Exclusive to VIP ticket holders and our featured special guests this  VIP Evening Celebration


Exclusive to VIP ticket holders and our featured special guests this  VIP Evening Celebration 〰️

Thank you for your interest in this auspicious occasion to BOOST funds for the rescue+restore  by multiplying the build and operations of the AFTERCARE homes for child survivors of sex slavery.

4th annual SkippyDeeDooDah~This 4th annual Fundraiser VIP Celebration is to BOOST funding for the AFTERCARE homes for Child Survivors of Child Sex Slavery and treatment therapy for young adult survivors. At present Bikers Against Trafficking/ Healingplace.space has a waiting list of 57 children. The $400 option completely funds ONE MONTH of a child/young adult's HEALING and RESTORATION program! Over 100% of funds go directly to our Beneficiary. Still 90 - 95% NET profit funds to directly to beneficiary.

  • Special Guest UP Close and Personal Testimonies and Networking 7pm - 10pm

  • Victorious Testimonies

  • Author ~ Book Signing and Pro photography

  • Catered dishes, beverages and cocktails,

  • GIFTS and door prizes