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event agenda

DUE TO BOTH RECENT HURRICANES our original location GILCHRIST PARK has been closed.



Saturday Oct 26 SkipAThon RALLY at:

Saturday ~ October 26th 3pm- 8pm the MAIN Rally event is the Skip-A-Thon RALLY, NOW TO BE HELD AT THE HARLEY DAVISON COMPLEX OF PORT CHARLOTTE.

Friday ~ October 25th 7pm - 10pm ~ VIP Evening Celebration at Sunseeker Resort. There are more special guests to be confirmed, we will post their names as soon announced

Enjoy your heavily discounted SkippyDeeDooDah group rate! You WILL want to stay more than a night or even two!

click here or call


River WATERFRONT - Sunseeker Resort


SkippyDeeDooDah Skip-A-Thon is a MASS MEETING RALLY purposing to eradicate child sex trafficking, declaring justice for the victims and survivors of child sex slavery by assembling together to ‘skip’ in solidarity to exhibit the carefree innocence of a child  , “SKIPPING for those that SKIPPED and innocent childhood” With purpose to gather thousands in this fight to network with, to meet and greet influential warriors,   gain in-depth insight from champion speakers assembling as a panel of persecuted warriors equipping us with weapons. to win this war on our children. This 4th annual  Friday Training Courses train you to gain insight on operations of Rescue Missions and understanding of all- encompassing Child Recovery Programs.

The most critical mission of SkippyDeeDooDah is to raise FUNDs to BUILD and FUND more aftercare homes for child survivors of sex slavery, to fund clinical , medical, and physical therapy staff members , and provide financial resourses for all costs to keep survivors in a safe and secure beautiful community. 


Donation Only
Registration Donation

event agenda summary 

SkippyDeeDooDah Skip-A-Thon is a MASS MEETING RALLY purposing to eradicate child sex trafficking ,declaring justice for the victims and survivors of child sex slavery assembling to  ‘skip’ in solidarity for those that do not have a voice to speak up  , “SKIPPING for those that SKIPPED and innocent childhood” With purpose to gather thousands in this fight to network with, to meet and greet influential warriors,   gain in-depth insight from champion speakers assembling as a panel of persecuted warriors equipping us with weapons. to win this war on our children. This 4th annual  Friday Training Courses train you to gain insight on operations of Rescue Missions and understanding of all- encompassing Child Recovery Programs.

The most critical mission of SkippyDeeDooDah is to raise FUNDs to BUILD and FUND more aftercare homes for child survivors of sex slavery, to fund clinical , medical, and physical therapy staff members , and provide financial resourses for all costs to keep survivors in a safe and secure beautiful community. 

Registration Donation
Donation Only

SKIPPING BURNS MORE CALORIES and creates HAPPY mental health!

Besides creating better moods, skipping BURNS approximately 30% more calories than running at the same speed or for the same time! Plus, skipping burns 55%-60% more than walking! WHY?

According to the American Council on Exercise, a person weighing 155 pounds can burn up to 420 calories from skipping for 30 minutes. The same amount of calories can be burnt by running for almost 8.5 miles in the same amount of time. -

The metabolic cost is higher in skipping, therefore providing more cardio-respiratory training than running or walking per unit of distance or time of activity. -

Skipping is a superb Alternative for RUNNERS:: SKIPPING GREATLY REDUCES INJURIES !

79% percent of runners report some form of injury in any given year …. running produces nearly TWO TIMES the peak force on the patella or kneecap than skipping .

Together, we SHOW up and SPEAK up for the children that do not have the protection and do not have a voice to defend themselves.


or mail check written to SkippyDeeDooDah OR Bikers Against Trafficking -

mail to: 1905 SE 36th Terrace Cape Coral, FL 33904

BELOW ~ 1st SkippyDeeDooDah on 30a Beaches of Florida

BELOW ~ 1st SkippyDeeDooDah on 30a Beaches of Florida